27 June 2013/Categories: Outcomes
The EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action:
- Produced a state of the art report
- Part A: Literature review on infectious diseases on all types of ships.
- Part B: Literature review and survey on chemical and radiological incidents in maritime transport. Read more...
- Part C: Survey on hygiene inspection practices on fishing vessels in EU. Read more...
- Part D: Survey on training needs related to core capacities at points of entry-ports in EU. Read more...
- Part E: Survey on practices & responsibilities of port health authorities along inland waterways in EU. Read more...
- Supports EUMS in conducting hygiene inspections on passenger ships
- European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases on passenger ships Read more...
- European scheme for hygiene inspections on passenger ships providing a common inspection procedure, competency framework in EUMS and a commonly agreed annual EU inspection plan. Read more...
- Developed guidelines and training material for for competent authorities on risk assessment and response to chemical/radiological events (accidental/deliberate release) Read more...
- Operates the EU SHIPSAN ACT Information System
- Communication network platform for EU ports
- Information System for recording and issuing Ship Sanitation Certificates based on WHO
- Database for recording inspections conducted against the European standards as provided in the European Manual
- European Database for storing the Maritime Declaration of Health submitted in the National Single Window (Directive 2010/65/EU)
- Delivers training (face to face, e-learning, on the job) to port health officers and maritime industry staff Read more...
- Developed a risk assessment tool for occupational and public health risks per cargo ship type Read more...
- Provides expert public health advice – PHEIC
- Q&A about EVD for maritime transport:
- 15 specific practical questions were developed in regards to response measures by competent authorities and shipping industry
- List of designated ports with the capacity to respond to EVD events was produced: 155 ports in 15 EUMS with the capacity to respond to an EVD event - SHIPSAN ACT informed 32 partners from 24 EU MS, DG SANTE, CHAFEA, WHO & CLIA
- Interim guidance on maritime transport and Zika virus disease Read more...
- Advice to international travellers for a healthy voyage Read more...
- Other consultations
- Provides advice on:
- preparedness and response to public health events (Legionnaire’s disease outbreaks)
- microbiological water testings
- development of Water Safety Plans
- Monitors and participates in research protocols
- Participates in outbreak investigations
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