Outcomes of the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action

27 June 2013/Categories: Outcomes

The EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action:
  1. Produced a state of the art report 

    • Part A: Literature review on infectious diseases on all types of ships.
    • Part B: Literature review and survey on chemical and radiological incidents in maritime transport. Read more...
    • Part C: Survey on hygiene inspection practices on fishing vessels in EU. Read more...
    • Part D: Survey on training needs related to core capacities at points of entry-ports in EU. Read more...
    • Part E: Survey on practices & responsibilities of port health authorities along inland waterways in EU. Read more...

  2. Supports EUMS in conducting hygiene inspections on passenger ships

      • European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases on passenger ships Read more...
      • European scheme for hygiene inspections on passenger ships providing a common inspection procedure, competency framework in EUMS and a commonly agreed annual EU inspection plan. Read more...

  3. Developed guidelines and training material for for competent authorities on risk assessment and response to chemical/radiological events (accidental/deliberate release) Read more...

  4. Operates the EU SHIPSAN ACT Information System
      • Communication network platform for EU ports 
      • Information System for recording and issuing Ship Sanitation Certificates based on WHO
      • Database for recording inspections conducted against the European standards as provided in the European Manual
      • European Database for storing the Maritime Declaration of Health submitted in the National Single Window (Directive 2010/65/EU) 

  5. Delivers training (face to face, e-learning, on the job) to port health officers and maritime industry staff Read more...

  6. Developed a risk assessment tool for occupational and public health risks per cargo ship type Read more...

  7. Provides expert public health advice – PHEIC
    • Q&A about EVD for maritime transport:
      • 15 specific practical questions were developed in regards to response measures by competent authorities and shipping industry
      • List of designated ports with the capacity to respond to EVD events was produced: 155 ports in 15 EUMS with the capacity to respond to an EVD event - SHIPSAN ACT informed 32 partners from 24 EU MS, DG SANTE, CHAFEA, WHO & CLIA
    • Interim guidance on maritime transport and Zika virus disease Read more...
    • Advice to international travellers for a healthy voyage Read more...
    • Other consultations
      • Provides advice on:
        • preparedness and response to public health events (Legionnaire’s disease outbreaks)
        • microbiological water testings
        • development of Water Safety Plans 
      • Monitors and participates in research protocols 
      • Participates in outbreak investigations

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This webportal arises from the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme. Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.      

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