Work packages and deliverables

27 June 2013/Categories: Work packages

Work Package 1: Coordination
Work package leader: University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece


-        Integrated operations plan for the permanent implementation of Joint Action activities (Deliverable 1) (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

-        Interim and final technical and financial reports (M18-M39). (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

Other documents:

-        Meeting reports

o   Kick off meeting report, February 2013, Athens, Greece (Agenda and Summary)

o   Interim Collaborative meeting report, September 2014, Luxemburg (Agenda and Summary)

o   Final Conference report, October 2016, Rhodes, Greece (Agenda and Summary)

-        Ad hoc guidelines

o   Q&A about EVD for maritime transport

o   Interim guidance on maritime transport and Zika virus disease Read more...

o   Advice to international travellers for a healthy voyage Read more...

Work Package 2: Dissemination
Work package leader: University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece


-        Dissemination activities report including exit/sustainability plan and website. (Deliverable 3)
  Summary (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

Other documents:

-        Dissemination Plan (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

Work Package 3: Evaluation
Work package leader:

o   Ministry of Health, Rome, Italy

o   Istituto Superiore di Sanita, External Relations Office


-        Interim and final evaluation reports (M19- M45). (Deliverable 4) (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

Work Package 4: State of the Art covering sea and inland water vessels
Work package leader: National Institute of Public Health, Organisation, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain

State of the Art report- Part A: Literature review on infectious diseases on all types of ships
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State of the Art report - Part B: Bibliographic review and survey on chemical and radiological incidents in maritime transport
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State of the Art report - Part C: Survey on hygiene inspection practices regarding fishing vessels in European Union
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State of the Art report - Part D: Survey on training needs related to core capacities at the points of entry-ports in European Union
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State of the Art report - Part E: Survey on the practices and responsibilities of port health authorities along inland waterways in European Union
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The State of the Art report PARTS A-D (Deliverable 5) is available here.

The State of the Art report PART E (Deliverable 5) is available here.

Other documents:

Work Package 5: Integrated Inspection Programme
Work package leader: University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

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Report on the implementation of the SHIPSAN ACT integrated inspection programme for all types of ships. (Deliverable 6) (only for internal distribution to the partnership)

Other documents

Work Package 6: Chemical and radiological incidents on ships risk assessment and management
Work package leader:Public Health England, Chilton, United Kingdom

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-        Guidance for dealing with chemical and radiological incidents (Deliverable 7)

-        Training material (available upon request for use in training courses organised by competent authorities– contact us)

-        Table top exercise (available upon request for use in table top exercises organised by competent authorities– contact us)

-        Poster

Work Package 7: SHIPSAN ACT information system (SIS)
Work package leader: University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

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SHIPSAN ACT Information System consisting of (Deliverable 8):

(a)    Communication Network platform facilitating ship-to-port, port-to-port and port-to-national authority communication. (Access)

(b)    Information system for recording and issuing Ship Sanitation Certificates under the International Health Regulations 2005 for all types of ships sailing in European Union. (Access)

(c)    Database for recording inspections conducted according to the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance on Passenger Ships. (Access)

Other documents:

-        Report from the table top exercise: Mapping the communication routes for information sharing in response to public health events in the maritime transport, March 2016, Larissa, Greece (Agenda and Summary)

-        Report from the table to exercise on EU SHIPSAN ACT Information System, October 2016 (Summary)

-        Poster


Work Package 8: Training
Work package leader: National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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-        Training activities report (Deliverable 9)

-        E-learning platform

  Webinar series on health threats related to maritime transport

Other documents:

-        Poster

Work Package 9: Occupational health and hygiene in maritime transport
Work package leader:

o   Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine (ZfAM), Hamburg State Department for Health and Consumer Protection and University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

o   National Public Health Centre Klaipeda Department, Lithuania

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•        Risk assessment tool for occupational and public health  risks per cargo ship type (Deliverable 10)

Other documents

-        Suggested document (Model) for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between competent authorities for hygiene inspections and port state control authorities on issues related to occupational health and ship inspections (available upon request -Contact us)

-        Report describing the public health risks of international concern according to cargo ship types

-        Poster

-        Survey on the implementation of ILO 2006 Labour Convention

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This webportal arises from the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme. Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.      

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