Responsible partner: University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
The aim of the inspection activities is to bring a consistent and proportionate approach to ship inspections of all ship types which will improve quality of inspections by providing on the job training and operating information tools for recording and sharing inspection results.
Inspections for issuing Ship Sanitation Certificates
EU SHIPSAN ACT supports the implementation of the WHO handbook for inspection of ships and issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificate.
EU SHIPSAN ACT operates the Ship Sanitation Inspection Database Information System for issuing/recording IHR Ship Sanitation Certificates based on WHO handbook (Access).
Functions: Recording and issuing SSCs based on WHO handbook, generation and print of official documents related with the inspections (i.e. SSC and the Evidence Report).
This information system can be used by officers working at ports authorised to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates in Europe under the International Health Regulations.
Training is conducted both face–to-face and e-learning by using the WHO learning programme and the WHO e-learning platform (
European scheme for inspections of passenger ships
Considering the particular conditions on passenger ships, SHIPSAN ACT implements a programme for passenger ship inspections in European countries applying the EU legal framework.
Common inspection procedures and competency framework in EU MS
Inspection rules/guidelines were produced and agreed by all involved parties describing roles, responsibilities, rights, obligations, confidentiality of inspection results, dissemination of statistical data, use of results and dispute resolution.
The participating EU MS agreed to:
- follow common standardised inspection procedures by using the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance for conducting inspections on board passenger ships,
- use Inspection Outlines based on the MAESTRO concept assisting inspectors in collecting evidence in a systematic manner for each area/process.
Competency framework
- It sets criteria to be fulfilled by inspectors in order to conduct inspections according to the European Manual.
The competent authority has agreed to participate in the inspections of passenger ships scheduled at a European level and conducted according to the European Manual.
The inspectors works in a competent authority of an EUMS that is mandated by this EUMS to conduct hygiene inspections on passenger ships.
The inspector has undertaken training (e-learning, face-to-face and on the job) for the European Manual based on the training material of SHIPSAN and fulfills the criteria included in the competency framework.
Inspection standards and tools
Inspections for passenger ships are conducted in accordance with the standards include in the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance on passenger ships (Access).
EU SHIPSAN ACT operates the SHIPSAN ACT Information System for recording inspections based on the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance on passenger ships (Access).
Short notice routine inspections (since 2015 - to date):
- Since, 2015, short notice (48hrs) inspections are conducted on passenger ships sailing in EU on an international voyage according to the 2nd Edition of the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance.
- Inspections in the EU are scheduled to be conducted by trained port health officers in accordance with a pre-agreed annual inspection programme issued at European level by Ministries of Health of 19 EUMS.
- In 2015 a total of 62 short notice (48hr) routine inspections were conducted in 32 ports and in 2016, 60 short notice (48hr) routine inspections are scheduled to be conducted in 37 ports in 15 EUMS (See Table 1 below for further information)
- The appointed representatives of the EU MS in the 2nd General Assembly meeting of the joint action that took place on the 28 of September 2016 decided continuation of the certain activities the following year (2017) and until the next EC funding, including:
- conduct of inspections according to the European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases surveillance on passenger ships;
- cooperation of the EUMS for scheduling of inspections on passenger ships on an international voyage according to the European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases surveillance on passenger ships;
Table 1: Short notice inspections conducted in 2015 on passenger ships according to the European Manual

Pilot inspections (from 2011 until 2014):
During the first 2 years pilot announced inspections were conducted on passenger ships with trainers. Table 2 presents further information on the number of pilot inspections conducted.
Table 2: Pilot inspections conducted on passenger ships according to the European Manual for 2011, 2013 and 2014

Training is conducted both face to face and e-learning by using the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance on passenger ships and the SHIPSAN ACT e-learning platform