About Us

28 June 2013/Categories: About Us

The SHIPSAN ACT is a European Joint Action funded by the European Commission under the Health Programme (2008-2013) where 33 partners from 24 European countries participate.

The duration of the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action was 45 months (February 2013-October 2016).

Activities from February 2013 until October 2016

The EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action deals with the impact on maritime transport of health threats due to biological, chemical and radiological agents, including communicable diseases and aimed to:

1.Produce a State of the Art report
(describing evidence for events and consequences due to biological, chemical and radiological agents, including communicable diseases in all types of ships; training needs for core capacities under International Health Regulations (Read more...) and practices related to fishing vessels and inland waterways will be assessed in at least 18 European Union Member States. (Read more...)

2.Bring a consistent and proportionate approach to ship inspections in compliance with European Union legislation and International Health Regulations. Read more...

3.Produce guidance on risk assessment and response to chemical/radiological events (accidental/deliberate release) on ships, to be used as part of the International Health Regulations contingency planning at points of entry of European Union Member States. Read more...

4.Upgrade and run the SHIPSAN ACT Information System (SIS) consisting of:

a) Communication Network platform facilitating ship-to-port, port-to-ship, port-to-port and port-to-national authority communication. Read more...

b) Information system for recording and issuing Ship Sanitation Certificates under the International Health Regulations 2005 for all types of ships sailing in European Union. Read more...

c) Database for recording inspections conducted against the European standards as provided in the SHIPSAN Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance on Passenger Ships. Read more...

5.Deliver European and national training courses.

6.Develop an outline of a risk assessment tool for occupational and public health risks per cargo ship type. Read more...

Activities October 2016 – current

The appointed representatives of the EU MS in the 2nd General Assembly meeting of the joint action that took place on the 28 of September 2016 decided continuation of certain activities the following year (31st of October and onwards) and until the next EC funding: 

  • conduct of inspections according to the European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases surveillance on passenger ships;
  • cooperation of the EUMS for scheduling of inspections on passenger ships on an international voyage according to the European Manual for hygiene standards and communicable diseases surveillance on passenger ships;
  • training activities including the eLearning, the webinars and the face to face courses 
  • maintenance and operation of the website and the SHIPSAN ACT Information system 
  • e-newsletter (published every three months) 
  • continue work on developing/adjusting the national legal framework for implementation of activities at a national level (if not already in place) 

Further information regarding the deliverables of the Joint Action is available here.

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This webportal arises from the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action which has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme. Sole responsibility lies with the author and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.      

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