EU SHIPSAN ACT JA - Newsletter: Issue 14

04 June 2015/Categories: News, Newsletters

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Dr Rimantas Pilipavicius, Lithuania

Dear readers,
In this issue I would like to present You some informative and professionally very useful articles.
Cruise ships, large tankers, and bulk cargo carriers use a huge amount of ballast water, which is often taken on in the coastal waters in one region after ships discharge wastewater or unload cargo, and discharged at the next port of call, wherever more cargo is loaded. Ballast water discharge typically contains a variety of biological materials, including plants, animals, viruses, and bacteria. These materials often include non-native, nuisance, exotic species that can cause extensive ecological and economic damage to aquatic ecosystems, along with serious human health issues including death. The purpose of ballast water and its risks is presented to You by Dr. Martin Walker in this Newsletter.
The relevance of these days is humanitarian crisis in The Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of people from Northern Africa have tried to cross the sea to Europe on overcrowded boats. Within the last 16 months, merchant ships participated in almost 1,000 migrant rescue operations in the Mediterranean. Large-scale rescue operations create serious risks to the health and welfare of seafarers who are unprepared and untrained to take on such rescues. More about it You can read in the article presented by Dr. med. Thomas von Munster, Dr. med. Martin Dirksen-Fisher and others.
Dr. Alison Jones and Dr. Tiberio Cabianca present You the authorities, responsible for the radiation emergency arrangements in UK and their activities.
Also I would like to welcome the fact that Webinar series on Health treats related to maritime transport so successfully started. It is encouraging that webinars about Ebola Virus Diseases and the maritime transport section and The Art of Inspection attracted more than 100 listeners and got very good evaluation from them. Don’t forget forthcoming webinars about water safety in June.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, I would like to present my native port Klaipeda. Enjoy reading about it.



News from the leadership

Prof Christos Hadjichristodoulou, SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action Coordinator
Dr Barbara Mouchtouri, SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action Manager


Working towards sustainability

National Framework Implementation for SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action 2015 inspections
The national framework implementation of the SHIPSAN ACT deliverables continues from participating EU MS. As it was announced in the previous issue (Issue 13) the EUMS participating in the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action are currently working on adopting in their national legal framework the conduct of 2015 inspections according to the “European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance on Passenger Ships”, the use of the EU SHIPSAN ACT Information System for issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificates and use of the Communication Network Platform. Moreover, the partners of the participating EUMS are developing the 2015 inspection programme in collaboration with the SHIPSAN ACT.


Meetings of the coordination team and sustainability working group

The coordination team and the sustainability working group are continuously working towards developing a concrete sustainability plan for the Joint Action. Within this context, a meeting was held in March 2015 in Luxembourg with the participation of the Joint Action’s Policy Officer (DG SANTE), and the Project Officer (CHAFEA). At the same time, a meeting was held with some members of the SHIPSAN ACT coordination team, the Policy and Project officers of the Joint Action and representatives from the Cruise Line International Association. Moreover, a sustainability working group meeting is scheduled for June 2015 in conjunction with the training course for lead inspectors on International Health Regulations (IHR) and Ship Sanitation Certificates (SSCs) which will be conducted on 8th-12th June in Slovenia.



Work package progress update

 Revision of the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Diseases Surveillance (WP5)

The revision process of the European manual is ongoing. The 2nd draft revised version of the European Manual will be disseminated to the partnership for the final comments by June 2015. The 2nd draft will also include a new chapter in Part B titled “Prevention and Control of fever and rash on passenger ships”.


EU SHIPSAN ACT Information System (WP7)

The EU SHIPSAN ACT Information Systems has been updated and is currently tested primarily by the partnership. 


Webinar series on health threats related to maritime transport (WP8)

The EU SHIPSAN ACT partnership is organizing a series of live webinars on a variety of subjects. The first webinar was conducted in April 2015 on the Ebola Virus Disease and the maritime transport sector. A total of 109 participants from 20 countries registered to watch the webinars. The second webinar titled “the Art of inspection” was conducted on 20th May 2015. A total of 94 port health officers from 18 countries enrolled to the webinar. Both webinars were well received by the viewers and this was evident in the evaluation results. All responders of the evaluation of both webinars commented that they would recommend the webinars to others and gave positive feedback in regards to the webinar.


Occupational health on maritime transport (WP9)

The leaders of work package 9 - the Institute for Maritime and Occupational Medicine (ZfAM), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Germany and the Hamburg Port Health Authority - prepared and delivered to the partnership for comments the following:  a) a report titled “Public Health Risks of International Concern According to Cargo Ship Types”. This report aims to bridge the concept of public health risks of international concern with hazards and incidents involving cargo ship transport; b) a survey report on current practices and responsibilities of Port Health Authorities along the inland waterways with a special focus on the rivers Danube and Rhine concerning notification requirements under IHR 2005, risk assessment and management of public health events on ships and practices on issuing of Ship Sanitation Certificates.



Thematic Sections


Environmental health and hygiene on ships

Ballast water and its risks

Martin Walker, Port Health Officer, Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority, Felixstowe, England


Key Message: Explaining the purpose of ballast water and how it may present public health risks if it is not properly controlled


Continuing the theme of covering all key areas of vessels that are of interest to inspectors carrying out Ship Sanitation Inspections (SSIs), this month I wanted to focus on the use of ballast water on board vessels. It is perhaps a little seen area for inspectors on board ships, perhaps because the systems and tanks are not readily visible. However, ballast water does have it’s own section on both the Model Ship Sanitation Certificate form of the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR)1 and a separate chapter in the WHO Technical Handbook2.

The purpose of ballast water

Ballast water is a key safety component of vessels to ensure that they are stable both during their voyages and whilst in port. Taking on ballast water, discharging ballast water or moving ballast water between differently located tanks on the vessel are key operations to ensure that the vessel remains balanced at all points and times and thus safe to operate. The following diagram shows clearly how ballast water is used to balance loads at different stage sof a vessels voyage:


The principal operation involves the taking on of ballast water when discharging of cargo takes place (and as the ship becomes lighter) and the discharge of ballast water during the loading of cargo to balance the weight of the cargo being loaded. Other purposes include the discharging of ballast water in order to allow a vessel to pass over a shallow water area, the discharge of ballast water from forward tanks to raise the bow in rough open seas, the minimisation of hull stresses within the ship, reducing air-draft and to produce list for certain operations. From the vessels perspective, failure to maintain ballast water properly can have catastrophic results such as capsizing or breaking in two.

Ballast water has come to prominence in recent years, principally due to the introduction of invasive species from one part of the world to another. Examples include Comb Jelly, Zebra Mussels and the Round Goby3 which have had devastating impacts on local marine ecosystems and commercial fishing operations. Economic impacts can also include affects on aquaculture fishing operations, reducing the economy and efficiency of shipping due to fouling species and closure of recreational and tourist beaches.

Under the IHR, our concern is for the protection of Public Health and ballast water can present risks here. Two direct risks to public health are firstly the dinoflagellate species, Alexandrium and Gymnodinium spp, that can bloom, produce saxitoxin (STX) and are associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). PSP from the consumption of contaminated shellfish can lead to human illness (including nausea, dizziness, facial numbness) and in very high doses, respiratory paralysis and even death4. Secondly, Vibrio Cholera has caused several epidemics around the world; a prime example being Peru in 1991 where one million people were infected and 10,000 people died. It’s presence in contaminated ballast water is a public health concern and limits are set in the Ballast Water Convention5.. Although Vibrio Cholera and other pathogens are found in coastal waters, their concentration is not usually high enough to cause problems to human health. However, the introduction of contaminated ballast water could potentially raise the concentration to infective levels.

In  researching this topic, I have found that there are a number of useful resources for inspectors. The Globallast website includes a link to an interesting BBC Worldwide-IMO documentary “Invaders from the sea”6. They have also  recently launched an e-learning course covering operational issues of ballast water. I have registered for this and will try to complete the course soon. Registration can be made at


The introduction of pathogenic bacteria such as Vibrio Cholera and other dinoflagellate species are potentially significant public health concerns which inspectors and ship operators need to be aware of. In the next issue, I plan to cover what controls are in place to minimise risks from Ballast Water and inspection approaches for Ship Sanitation purposes.


  1. International Health Regulations 2005 Second Edition, World Health Organization, Annex 3,
  2. “Handbook for Inspection of Ships and Issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificates”, World Health Organization 2011,
  3. Examples of Invasive Aquatic Species, Globallast Partnerships,
  4. Nature of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP); Harmful Algal Bloom Communities in Scottish Coastal waters: Relationship to Fish Farming and Regional Comparisons – A Review Paper 2006/3
  5. International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM) 2004'-Ballast-Water-and-Sediments-(BWM).aspx
  6. Invaders from the Sea,


Additional references for further reading kindly provided by Gordon Nichols (Public Health England, UK):

  1. Khandeparker L, Anil AC: Association of bacteria with marine invertebrates: implications for ballast water management. EcoHealth 2013, 10(3):268-276.
  2. Dobbs FC, Goodrich AL, Thomson FK, 3rd, Hynes W: Pandemic serotypes of Vibrio cholerae isolated from ships' ballast tanks and coastal waters: assessment of antibiotic resistance and virulence genes (tcpA and ctxA). Microbial ecology 2013, 65(4):969-974.
  3. Rivera IN, Souza KM, Souza CP, Lopes RM: Free-living and plankton-associated vibrios: assessment in ballast water, harbor areas, and coastal ecosystems in Brazil. Frontiers in microbiology 2012, 3:443.
  4.  Fykse EM, Nilsen T, Nielsen AD, Tryland I, Delacroix S, Blatny JM: Real-time PCR and NASBA for rapid and sensitive detection of Vibrio cholerae in ballast water. Marine pollution bulletin 2012, 64(2):200-206.
  5. Cohen NJ, Slaten DD, Marano N, Tappero JW, Wellman M, Albert RJ, Hill VR, Espey D, Handzel T, Henry A et al: Preventing maritime transfer of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae. Emerging infectious diseases 2012, 18(10):1680-1682.
  6.  Altug G, Gurun S, Cardak M, Ciftci PS, Kalkan S: The occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in some ships' ballast water incoming from various marine regions to the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Marine environmental research 2012, 81:35-42.
  7. Lovell SJ, Drake LA: Tiny stowaways: analyzing the economic benefits of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency permit regulating ballast water discharges. Environmental management 2009, 43(3):546-555.
  8. Aguirre-Macedo ML, Vidal-Martinez VM, Herrera-Silveira JA, Valdes-Lozano DS, Herrera-Rodriguez M, Olvera-Novoa MA: Ballast water as a vector of coral pathogens in the Gulf of Mexico: the case of the Cayo Arcas coral reef. Marine pollution bulletin 2008, 56(9):1570-1577.
  9. Mimura H, Abe A, Katakura R, Kawasaki H, Yoshida K, Ishida H: Lethality of shock pressures to a marine Vibrio sp. isolated from a ship's ballast water. Biocontrol science 2006, 11(4):159-166.
  10. Ramaiah N, Kolhe V, Sadhasivan A: Quantitative analyses of pollution-indicator and pathogenic bacteria in Mumbai waters from ballast water exchange perspective. Environmental monitoring and assessment 2005, 104(1-3):295-308.
  11. Aridgides LJ, Doblin MA, Berke T, Dobbs FC, Matson DO, Drake LA: Multiplex PCR allows simultaneous detection of pathogens in ships' ballast water. Marine pollution bulletin 2004, 48(11-12):1096-1101.
  12. McCarthy SA, Khambaty FM: International dissemination of epidemic Vibrio cholerae by cargo ship ballast and other nonpotable waters. Applied and environmental microbiology 1994, 60(7):2597-2601.


Occupational health on ships: The impact of the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean Sea on Seafarers

Thomas von Münster, Martin Dirksen-Fischer, Marcus Oldenburg, Volker Harth

The humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean Sea has reached a sad climax. In the first few months of 2015, approximately 33,000 refugees tried to flee across the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East. It is estimated that more than 1,800 people have drowned so far in 2015. In 2014, merchant ships rescued about 40,000 refugees. Within the last 16 months, merchant ships participated in almost 1,000 migrant rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

In October 2014, the Italian humanitarian operation „Mare Nostrum“ was shut down. The subsequent mission “Triton” solely operates in European coastal waters, even though that the most rescue operations are necessary in the open Mediterranean Sea or close to the African coast. This forces the merchant navy to be involved in the vast majority of the rescue operations. Facing the consequences of the Triton mission, the budget of the mission was tripled in the end of April. Tritons operational area was not extended. In order to counteract the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe, several European Countries have send vessels to support Search and Rescue operations in the open sea and close to the Libyan coast, coordinated by the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC).

According to Article 98 of the “United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea” every master of a ship is obliged to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost. In contrast, ship officers come into conflict with economical constraints of the ship-owner and the border patrol. In some cases, captains attempting to help have been sentenced for smuggling people.

Large-scale rescue operations pose a substantial threat to safety and wellbeing of seafarers. Crews have to be trained for rescue operations with special consideration for the appearance of hundreds of castaways. Rescue operations have to be well prepared in order to safeguard crew and ship. Rescue boat operations put the crew at risk of getting overpowered by distressed people. Therefore, the approach to a mass of panicking people has to be considered carefully. Accommodation for castaways is often difficult due to limited space. Areas necessary for the safe operation of the vessel need to be kept operable. The provision of medical care to a multitude of people suffering from dehydration and hypothermia is limited due to manpower, space and resources. Witnessing drowning people and people dying from hypothermia and devitalization after being rescued poses a massive psycho-mental challenge to the crew. In the aftermath of a rescue operation the health and welfare of the crew needs careful attention. Seafarers may experience stress or psychological after effects. Posttraumatic stress disorder may develop over time. In opposite to professional rescue teams, seafarers often have no contact person to talk with about their situation. Appropriate professional support of seafarers in this situation is crucial.

The port-chaplain of the German Seamen’s Mission in Alexandria, Egypt, Markus Schildhauer told us in an interview about his experiences.

Since his deployment to Alexandria in September 2014 he said, he was constantly contacted by seamen seeking someone to talk to about their experiences at sea. He pointed out that due to strict safety regulations it was often impossible for seamen to leave the ISPS-area to have some leisure time ashore. According to Schildhauer, he has held conversations with seamen through the fence of the ISPS-area. Many seamen fear the journey through the Mediterranean Sea, as witnessing floating cadavers and other human artefacts terrifies them. For some of them it is a cause for despair, he said. Many mariners have told him about their wish to change their profession, or at least the route.

We think it is a challenge for all stakeholders to support seafarers and shipping companies at this difficult time. The complex situation needs a broad and coordinated approach. In a first attempt, local stakeholders should coordinate to build a local network to support seafarers.



Radiation emergency arrangements in the UK

Alison Jones and Tiberio Cabianca

Public Health England, UK

In the UK the most significant potential radiation accidents are associated with fixed large nuclear installations such as nuclear power stations.  There are other incidents that could occur involving, for example, either sources for industrial or medical use or equipment such as x-ray machines.  All users of radioactive material are required by law (HSE, 2000) to have contingency plans for dealing with the consequences of radiation accidents to protect workers and members of the public.  In addition, the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) requires users to establish an emergency plan (HSE, 2002)[1]

In the event of an incident at a fixed installation the emergency plan would be invoked by the senior manager of the plant. A notification chain would trigger a response starting on site and, if the consequences of the emergency are likely to affect people outside the boundary of the installation, facilities would be set up to bring the emergency services and expert agencies together to help deal with the emergency (see Figure 1) (DECC, 2013). 


 Figure 1.  UK emergency response arrangements (Source: DECC, 2013).


Responsibility for dealing with the accident and advising on what actions need to be taken would be with the Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) or Gold Command. Ultimate responsibility for implementing these actions would be with the police.  The Scientific and Technical Advice Cell (STAC) would provide advice on different aspects (scientific, technical, environmental and public health) to the SCG during the response to an emergency.  Members of the SCG and STAC would be drawn from relevant Government Departments and Agencies. Both the SCG and STAC would operate from an Off-Site Facility (OSF), located at an appropriate distance to be unaffected by the accident.

The Nuclear Emergency Briefing Room (NEBR) would be set up in London, as a focal point for all information and briefing Government ministers.  Representatives from relevant Government Departments and Agencies would be present, with support from their own headquarters. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) would be responsible for notifying other countries and initiating any requests for international assistance.

Local Authorities would have a major role to play in any evacuation of members of the public in their area, and responsibility for emergency housing, feeding, transport and provision of social services.  Local authorities also have statutory duties under the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (REPPIR) 2001 to distribute relevant information to affected members of the public.

In the event of an accident at a Ministry of Defence (MOD) site, the MOD would be the lead Government department.  The MOD has similar arrangements to civil nuclear operators regarding the setting up of an OSF and national response centre arrangements.  The national centre would be based at Whitehall whilst close to the site a Military Coordinating Authority (MCA) would liaise with the local authority, the police and the emergency services. 

In the event of an overseas accident, the Nuclear Emergency Planning Liaison Group Consolidated Guidance, Chapter 19:  UK Response to Overseas Nuclear Accidents (DECC, 2013), coordinated by DECC would be invoked.  An important component of this plan is a national radiation monitoring network and emergency response system called RIMNET (Radioactive Incident Monitoring Network).  RIMNET is a fully automated network of 96 gamma radiation dose rate monitors located throughout the UK that provide hourly updates and detect abnormal increases in radiation levels.

Regulations to deal with an accident involving a vehicle transporting radioactive material are included in general legislation (HSE, 2000) and the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (HSE, 2009).  Consignors of any radioactive materials are required to appoint a radiation expert to provide advice in the event of such an emergency.  PHE would be called upon for support if there is a potential risk to public health.  In the UK a group of mainly nuclear-related companies operate a specific plan, RADSAFE (RADSAFE, 2015), for responding to accidents involving the transport of major consignments of radioactive material by members of the scheme.

The National Arrangements for Incidents involving Radioactivity (NAIR) is designed to provide rapid, radiation protection advice to the emergency services at the scene of incidents in which radioactive material is involved and which may give rise to a hazard to the public if no other formal arrangements or plans are in place. NAIR can be invoked by the emergency services whenever they feel that there is a need to do so.  PHE CRCE acts as the coordinating authority for NAIR in close collaboration with the national environment agencies.

The Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards (CRCE) of PHE maintains emergency response arrangements and facilities in readiness for a wide range of radiological and nuclear emergencies which may pose a risk for public health.  One of CRCE’s roles in a radiological or nuclear emergency is to provide public health advice and information relating to the radiological protection aspects of the emergency to colleagues at PHE Centres and other organisations including Government Departments and members of the public. CRCE has also the capability to deploy teams to undertake radiological monitoring of the environment or the affected population, analyse samples and undertake specialist biological dosimetry.  Data from these activities are then used to inform assessments and public protection advice.  PHE CRCE would also be responsible for co-ordinating the activities of other agencies who may deploy monitoring resources in the event of an emergency.

CRCE operates a 24 hour 7 days a week radiation emergency on-call system which connects straight to a radiation protection expert.

[1] The Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2001 implement in Great Britain the articles on intervention in cases of radiation (radiological) emergency in Council Directive 96/29/Euratom. The Regulations also partly implement Council Directive 89/618/Euratom on informing the general public about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiation emergency.



DECC (2013). Nuclear Emergency Planning Liaison Group Consolidated Guidance. DECC.

HSE (2000). The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999. The Stationery Office, London (SI(1999) 3232)

HSE (2002). A guide to the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2001.

HSE (2009). The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations. The Stationery Office Limited, UK (SI (2009) 1348)

RADSAFE (2015).  [Online] Available at [accessed 4 March 2015]



People from the project


Martina Pilková,

Slovak Republic – Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic

My name is Martina Pilková and I come from Slovak Republic – small inland country situated at the heart of the Europe.

I have completed my MSc studies in Public Health with specialization in Infection Control, Doctoral Degree in Laboratory Analysis Methods and in 2010 I received PhD in Public Health.

 During 2004 - 2012 I worked for the Public Health Authority by the Ministry of Transport as an epidemiologist responsible for surveillance of communicable diseases and nosocomial infections control. Since 2012 I work for the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic, Department of Chief Public Health Officer. As the Head of the Unit of the Epidemiology I was responsible for the state health supervision at the medical facilities and health promotion. Since March 2015 I am Director of the Department of the State Health Supervision.

Since 2012 I have been actively participating at the process of implementation of the International Health Regulations (WHO 2005) at the field of transport.

Since February 2013 I have represented Slovak Republic in the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action project. I fully support SHIPSAN project and in September 2014 I conducted 1st pilot inspection in inland navigation according to the European Manual for Hygiene Standards and Communicable Disease Surveillance on Passenger Ships. I am very pleased to be involved in the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action and I´m looking forward to future cooperation.



Recent Publications


Medical assistance at the sea: legal and medico-legal problems.

Ricci G, Pirillo I, Rinuncini C, Amenta F.

Int Marit Health. 2014;65(4):205-9.



BACKGROUND: In case of pathologies or accidents on board which require medical intervention but lacking on-board medical or paramedical personnel, the ship's captain, or his delegate can contact a Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS). International Maritime Organisation considers telemedicine at sea as an integral part of rescue procedures. Five key elements contribute to the delivery of good medical assistance at sea: one or more coordination and rescue centres; the TMAS; the possibility of intervention at sea; an organisation of appropriate institutions on ground and common operating procedures. This paper analyses the responsibility of the ship's captain and of the TMAS doctor in case of diseases or injuries on board in the frame of the main important international regulations.

RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SHIP CAPTAIN: In case of a disease or injury on board a ship, the captain must contact the TMAS as soon as possible. A captain not acting promptly and not doing whatever it is possible for the ill/injured person by consulting the TMAS or a physician and/or not following prescriptions received, could be charged for omission of responsibility. A captain underestimating a medical problem and knowing that the patient's condition could worsen, but still not consulting a medical centre for assistance, should be ready to accept the consequences of his choices.

RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PHYSICIAN: The doctor of TMAS has full responsibility for the diagnosis, prescription and treatment, while the ship's captain is responsible for the final decision. Regarding the medical treatment and assistance on board a ship, the TMAS doctor should pay attention not only for the diagnosis, but also for the prognosis. Telemedicine implies that the doctor should make decisions without a clinical examination, often without some additional medical examinations and by maintaining a contact with other people who are in direct contact with the patient. The physician usually has to rely on the account of colleagues of the sick seafarer as far as medical history is concerned. This may make harder to take a decision.

CONCLUSIONS: The ship's captain is guilty if he fails to contact a TMAS in case of diseases or accidents on board. Similar to a traditional relationship between a patient and a physician, the doctor consulted via telecommunication systems is also responsible for his diagnosis and treatment. However, in telemedicine the contrasts with the most basic principles of the traditional medicine are obvious. This makes the delivery of medical care of seafarers on board ships quite complicated.



ECDC Legionnaires’ disease in Europe 2013


​This surveillance report is based on the 2013 disease surveillance data collected by the European Legionnaires’ Disease Surveillance Network.

The Network collects standard surveillance data on Legionnaires’ disease from EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway, but also operates a second system which covers travel-associated cases of Legionnaires’ disease (TALD), including cases recorded outside the EU/EEA.

The surveillance of TALD aims primarily at identifying clusters of cases that may otherwise not have been detected at the national level, and at enabling timely control measures at the implicated accommodation sites in order to prevent further infections.




Evaluating environmental persistence and disinfection of the ebola virus makona variant.

Cook BW, Cutts TA, Nikiforuk AM, Poliquin PG, Court DA, Strong JE, Theriault SS.

Viruses. 2015 Apr 14;7(4):1975-86. doi: 10.3390/v7041975.


BACKGROUND: The current disease outbreak caused by the Ebola virus Makona variant (EBOV/Mak) has led to unprecedented morbidity and lethality given its geographic reach and sustained transmission. Sodium hypochlorite and ethanol are well-accepted decontamination agents, however little published evidence supports the selection of appropriate concentrations and contact times. The present study addresses the environmental robustness of EBOV/Mak and evaluates the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite and ethanol as disinfectants.

METHODS: EBOV/Mak was suspended in a simulated organic soil load and dried onto surfaces. Viability was measured at 1 hour, 24 hours, 72 hours, and 192 hours. For the evaluation of disinfectants, EBOV/Mak in a simulated organic soil was dried onto stainless steel carriers and disinfected with 0.01% (v/v), 0.1% (v/v), 0.5% (v/v) and 1% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite solutions or 67% (v/v) ethanol at contact times of 1, 5 or 10 minutes.

RESULTS: EBOV/Mak persisted longer on steel and plastic surfaces (192 hours) than cotton (<24 hours). Dilute sodium hypochlorite (0.01% and 0.1%) showed little antiviral action, whereas 0.5% and 1% sodium hypochlorite solutions demonstrated recoverable virus at one minute but sterilized surfaces in five minutes. Disinfection with 67% ethanol did not fully clear infectious virions from 3/9 carriers at 1 minute but sterilized all carriers at 5 and 10 minutes.

CONCLUSIONS: Sodium hypochlorite and ethanol effectively decontaminate EBOV/Mak suspended in a simulated organic load; however, selection of concentration and contact time proves critical.



News and forthcoming dates

Past events


III International Congress on Maritime, Tropical, Hyperbaric and Travel Medicine

When: May 20th-24th 2015 Where: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr George Rachiotis attended the III International Congress and presented the latest developments of the EU SHIPSAN ACT Joint Action.


SHIPSAN forthcoming events

Synchronous e-learning via webinars on health threats related to maritime transport


The next live webinars will focus on water safety and in particular on microbiological and physical control methods and on Water Safety Plans and Legionnaires’ disease prevention and control on ships.


Visit the website to enrol to the live webinar series:


Other forthcoming events

13th International Symposium on Maritime Health

When: June 2015 Where: Bergen

Dr Despena Andrioti (Senior researcher, Centre of Maritime Health and Society, Denmark) will represent EU SHIPSAN ACT ACT in the International Symposium and present the results of the SHIPSAN ACT study on the training needs related to core capacities at points of entry in Europe conducted by the Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain in 2014.

Dr. med. Thomas von Munster (Central Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine, Hamburg, Germany) and Mrs Brigita Kairiene (Klaipeda Public Health Center, Lithuania), partners from EU SHIPSAN ACT WP9 “Occupational health and hygiene in maritime transport” will present the development of an online interactive Risk Assessment tool for occupational health for cargo vessels.

Further information:


Meeting of Italian Port Health Officers

When: 28th May 2015 Where: Italy

Dr Mauro Dionisio will present the SHIPSAN ACT inspection activities for 2013 and 2014.



 What’s new on the website


All past webinars are available for play back viewing.

Enrol via the website

Click here to access the enrolment form:

or email us for further information (






by Dr. Iveta Dubrovova, PhD. – Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic, Regional Hygienist

Slovak Republic is an inland country. Anyhow, on it´s territory (in nowadays´ western part of Slovakia) was born a nobleman – explorer, writer, sailor, military officer in French, Polish, Austrian and American armies and self-declared King of Madagascar.

He´s considered a first European who sailed the Northern Pacific and explored western coast of Alaska.

His trip from Macau was the first known route from north-western coast of America to the south – east coast of Asia.

Will you find the name of this versatile man from 18th century (1746 – 1786)?


Answer to the previous issue quiz:

You might suspect that any of them could have found good use, but this illustration is from the Surgeon’s Mate, the must-have guide on board for every large wooden vessel. Today things have moved on a bit, both with the tools and with the instruction. A new medical guide for seafarers from SEAHEALTH is expected to be available in September 2015. (Quiz provided by SEAHEALTH,


SHIPSAN ACT thanks the following readers for their answers to Issue 13 Quiz:

-        Fernando del Hierro Vega, Secretaría de Estado de Administraciones Públicas, Spain

-        Almudena Rivera Deán, Port Health Officer, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands - Spain



Port in focus

Discover a Proven Way – the Port of Klaipeda, Lithuania!

By Dr. Rimantas Pilipavicius, Klaipeda Public Health Centre

By Dr. Audrone Lavruvianec, Klaipeda Public Health Centre

By Dr. Brigita Kairiene, Klaipeda Public Health Centre


Short facts about Lithuania. Lithuania is an independent, democratic republic in Central Europe, on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Independence was restored in 1990 and in 2004 Lithuania joined European Union and NATO.  With 65 000 sq. km Lithuania is the same size as Belgium or Ireland. It has population of around 3 million and shares borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland and Kaliningrad region (Russia). Lithuania has a rich historic background, old living traditions, and unique natural beauty. In Lithuania amber has been adopted as the symbol of the country.

Klaipeda – a jewel in the Baltic amber crown. Alongside the Baltic Sea, on the beautiful west coast of Lithuania lies KLAIPEDA the only seaport in the country full of commerce and culture.


Photo 1: Port of Klaipeda (

History of the Port of Klaipeda - old seaport. Klaipeda was founded in 1252. Under the agreements of Curonian Bishop and the Vice-Regent of the Livonian Order with the approval of Mindaugas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, it was decided to build the castle of Memel. In the small port established adjacent to the castle, boats of Lübeck and Bremen merchants used to moor.

In 1743, the first timber trade office was established in Klaipeda. Since then the port became the best-known timber-trading port in the Baltic Sea, where timber used to be handled and over 300 boats could be accommodated at once.

On May 8, 1924, according to the Klaipeda Convention signed in Paris, the management of Klaipeda Port was handed over to the Port Directorate. Throughout 1924–1939, Klaipeda Port flourished: new quays were constructed, various marine business companies were established, and shipping activity was developed.

History of the Port of Klaipeda during 1945–1991. The navigation, disrupted by World War II, was eventually restored with the arrival of the Finnish steamboat Astoria. By the end of 1945, eight more vessels called at Klaipeda Port.

During the Soviet period, in Klaipeda Port waters, there were three ports with different subordination: Klaipeda Commercial Seaport, Nemunas Shipping Port, and Klaipeda River and Fishing Port. Later on, Sea Fishing Fleet was established, which supplied fish to the largest European part of the Soviet Union.

In 1969, Lithuanian Shipping Company was established, to which the control of the Commercial Seaport was handed over.  In 1969, the newly constructed specialized Western Ship Repair Yard began its first vessel repair operations.

In 1986, the International Ferry Terminal Klaipeda–Mukran was open in Klaipeda Port. At that time the ferries were used to transport Soviet military equipment, ammunition and soldiers. With the launch of the International Ferry Terminal, annual cargo handling turnover in Klaipeda Port increased rapidly and the port was ranked among the 100 largest ports of the world.

The Port of Klaipeda now. Klaipeda State Seaport is the northernmost ice–free port on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Unlike the ports located to the north, the Port of Klaipeda remains ice-free even during the coldest winters and thus guarantees uninterrupted navigation and stevedoring works, without any additional navigational surcharges. It is the most important and biggest Lithuanian transport hub, connecting sea, land and railway routes from East to West.

Klaipeda is a multipurpose, universal, deep-water port, providing high quality services. 14 big stevedoring companies, ship repair and ship building yards operate within the port as well as all types of marine business and cargo handling services.

The port operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

The annual port cargo handling capacity is up to 60 million tons. Types of cargo handled in the port of Klaipeda – fertilizers, oil products, containers, ro-ro, grain, minerals and other. The port accommodates about 7 000 vessels annually and the port is capable of accepting large-tonnage vessels including dry-cargo vessels of approx. 100,000 DWT, tankers of approx. 160,000 DWT, and container carriers up to 8,000 TEU’s.

The Port of Klaipeda is the leader among the ports of the Baltic States in terms of container handling. Its well-coordinated operations of sea and hinterland transport, Klaipeda Free Economic Zone, the EU short-sea shipping network and the wide-range of logistic and industrial service providers ensure smooth intermodal transportation.

Klaipeda liquefied natural gas (LNG) FSRU terminal. KlaipedaLNG terminal is one of the most important Lithuania‘s energy projects that improves energy security in the country, create conditions for natural gas market in Lithuania.

The LNG FSRU terminal has started operation on 3rd  December 2014. The main activity of the LNG terminal is to receive and store liquefied natural gas, regasify it and supply to the main gas grid. About one billion cubic metres of gas are expected to be regasified during the first year of Terminal operation, while in the future, its annual capacity could reach around 3 billion cubic metres. After the completion of the Klaipeda LNG terminal, Lithuania became the first in the Baltic sea region to use FSRU (floating storage and regasification unit) technology.


FSRU Independence is built by Hyundai Heavy Industries.


Photo 2: LNG terminal “Independence” (author Stock Company Klaipedos Nafta)


Cruise shipping and Cruise Vessel Terminal. Klaipeda region: the unique tourism destination in Lithuania combining the impressive old town of Klaipeda, the distinctive nature of the Curonian Spit, and Lithuania’s summer attraction centre, Palanga resort.

Klaipeda has rapidly gained the popularity: currently it is an attractive seaside city with expanding maritime tourism. As of 2003, cruise shipping in Klaipeda started to develop considerably, since the Cruise Vessel Terminal – in the very heart of the city – had been constructed. Cruise Vessel Terminal covers an area of 1.2 hectares and is located about 100 m from the historical downtown of Klaipeda. Vessels with the length up to 330 m and the draught of 8.5 m can be moored at the terminal. All services necessary for tourists are set in the terminal and its approaches: taxi, postal services, telephone and internet-café, currency exchange, ATM, souvenir shops, bars, restaurants and hotels.

The largest cruise liner visited Klaipeda is The Celebrity Eclipse, 317.14 m in length, 36.8 m in width and the draught of 8.3 m, with 2830 tourists on board.


Photo 3:  the Cruise Vessel Terminal (


Central Klaipeda Terminal is Klaipeda Sea Port newly built terminal, which was constructed in 2014. The main aim of this terminal is to attract new RoRo, RoPax, ConRo shipping lines to Klaipeda sea port. The Terminal, located close to the city centre, can accommodate 3 vessels simultaneously – RoRo, RoPax, ConRo, Cruise and other ships.

And now, when terminal is built and is able to ensure the highest level of service and quality, it is new opportunities for Klaipeda and shipping companies and also for the shippers, as well as all of our guests and the citizens of the state.


Photo 4: Central Klaipeda Terminal (author Central Klaipeda Terminal)

In conclusion. The Port of Klaipeda: the catalyst of the city’s strength and stability. The port activity and its services generate economic and social benefit for both the city and the country. More than 800 different types of companies, which employ over 23 000 people, are engaged in port-related activities. In addition, approximately 185 000 indirect jobs are created by the operations of the Port of Klaipeda. The port activity generates about 4.5 % of Lithuania’s gross domestic product, and with its indirectly related business share creates as much as 16 % of the country’s GDP.




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